Our founder and lead trainer is Sarah Bradley. Sarah has a wealth of experience in criminal investigations and has received multiple commendations for her investigatory and enforcement work to prevent, tackle and detect crime, including serious and organised crime. She holds a Level 3 qualification in Education and Training and is also a CPD Accredited Trainer.
Sarah has been recognised across the country for her work and has jointly presented a workshop called "Enforcement: Strong Steps Forward" at the LARAC conference; presented findings on tackling fly tipping hotspots to DEFRA, the National Fly Tipping Prevention Group and Fly Tipping Action Wales; written case studies on the enforcement of scrap metal for the Local Government Association; presented at the Institute of Licensing South East Training Day; and has developed a training course for businesses across Kent to ensure they understand their legal obligations in relation to waste management.
Sarah is skilled in policy, procedure, case file and strategy writing and has also been involved in conducting case reviews for fly tipping for local authorities to identify other lines of investigation which have assisted in securing successful prosecutions.
As an investigator, Sarah has achieved multiple prison sentences against defendants for a wide variety of offences, including fly tipping and serious and organised crime, and has also secured Criminal Behaviour Orders for the most prolific offenders.
Sarah has worked within the Police, Professional Regulatory Bodies, and Local Authority both at officer and manager level so ensures that cost, service standard and customer satisfaction are achieved.